Find My Family: Grace on the Shared List

May 20, 2014 Children Who Wait, girls, special focus, thalassemia 0 Comments

Grace was born September of 2008 and is currently on the shared list. She was found at a few months of age and admitted to the orphanage. Upon admission she was diagnosed with β Mediterranean anemia (beta thalassemia major), macrocephaly, and normal physical and intelligence development. She was placed with a foster family in 2010. Upon entering her foster family, she was noted to be delayed in both her speech and motor development, as well as having macrocephaly.


A follow up test in September 2010, determined that she has Dandy-Walker syndrome. Her doctors are currently monitoring her care and considering a future shunt operation. At her last report at 2.5 years old she is now able to walk on her own, but is not yet speaking. Her foster family reports that she is able to understand and follow simple instructions and enjoys babbling and teasing with the members of her foster family. She especially enjoys special outings with her foster grandfather to go shopping or to play at the park.


She receives blood transfusions monthly for her thalassemia major and it is noted that this greatly helps her appearance and energy level. For more information on thalassemia view this post for informative links.

Grace is in the middle with her foster mom and foster brother who is in process of being adopted

Grace is in the middle with her foster mom and foster brother who is in process of being adopted

Her file is extremely outdated and an agency is trying to get a medical and developmental update on her. She remains living with a foster family. She has been listed for adoption for almost four years, has been on multiple agency lists, and has never been chosen. The unknowns of the possible Dandy Walker have more than likely impeded her finding a family. Hopefully an updated CT scan can shed light on her current development. She will surely be an amazing blessing to any family who chooses her. Please contact ATWA for more information on adopting Grace.

For information regarding thalassemia or beginning the adoption journey please contact the Advocacy Team.

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