Embracing Her Story: Gracie

November 22, 2015 adoptee perspective, adoptee Q and A, November 2015 Feature - Embracing Their Story, telling their life story 1 Comments

We know that God is the only one who can heal hearts and redeem stories. But what of our role as shepherds of their hearts? One powerful, guiding gift we can dig into is the experience of others, young and old, who are willing to share their stories.

As part of our Embracing Their Story theme for November, we offer you some insightful, funny, sweet and vulnerable interviews with children and teens that joined their families through adoption. We hope you’ll find hope from their words and insight from the glimpses into their stories.


.An interview with Gracie Kelley, age 18 and adopted from China at 11 months.

Q: Where were you born?

A: Wuhan, China

Q: How old were you when you were adopted?

A: I was only eleven months when I was adopted. I was supposed to get adopted when I was ten months old. However, a flood hit Wuhan badly and my parents were postponed a month. One day, I hope to go back because I do not remember anything about China.


Q: Where did you live before your parents came to adopt you?

A: Before my parents adopted me, I lived in an orphanage.<

Q: What is adoption?

A: Adoption is an act of grace. It is taking a child into your home and caring for him/her.

Q: How did your parents find you?

A: My parents found me through an adoption agency in Georgia.

Q: Why do you think your parents adopted you?

A: I think my parents adopted me because God was calling them to adopt. My mom and dad have always told me there was a piece missing to our family and that piece was me.


Q: How do you feel about being adopted? Why?

A: I feel very blessed and special to be adopted. Every day I am amazed that I have such an amazing family. Little did I know that God had a plan for me as a baby. For my parents to travel 10,000 miles across the globe is incredible!

Q: Do you friends ask you about being adopted?

A: Occasionally, I sometimes get asked about being adopted. It does not bother me at all.

Q: Do you like to talk about your adoption? Why or why not?

A: Yes, I do like to talk about my adoption. It is a part of my testimony, I love to share that I am adopted.

Q: How do you feel when you see little kids being adopted? Why?

A: When I see little kids getting adopted it brings so much joy to my heart. I hope to be a light to them when they grow up. When I am older, I would love to adopt from China.

It is so encouraging to see families adopt. When families adopt, it is one less child in an orphanage or even on the streets.


Q: Do you have questions about your adoption?

A: I love asking my parents what it was like for them emotionally when they adopted me. They are always able to give me details and memories of what my adoption was like.

One response to “Embracing Her Story: Gracie”

  1. Kathy Dulaney says:

    I have been so blessed to know miss Gracie Kelley and her family. They have played an important part in our own families journey of adoption. We are so proud of you Gracie and the beautiful young lady (inside and out) you have grown into! Thank you for your willingness to share your story with us!

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