Find My Family: Duo

May 4, 2016 Family Found, Liberty 0 Comments

Duo is 11, and now listed as Cody with Holt! He has a prosthetic leg and scoliosis.


Duo came into care when he was a baby; he has scoliosis and his left leg was amputated and he wears a prosthetic leg. He walks freely, although he may have some pain if he walks for a long time, and he receives physical therapy. He can take care of all his own personal needs and is helpful with the younger children in his foster home. Cody is a smart boy who likes reading books in his free time. He enjoys art class in school and has learned some English words.

Tian Duo goes to grade four in a public school in Beijing, and his grades are in the middle range. He is fascinated with animals, and he can talk about them for a long time, as long as someone is happy to listen. He loves reading very much, too! Some of his friends jokingly call him an “encyclopedia”.

Tian Duo is a witty child, and he always has a lot of interesting ideas and plans in his mind, which get him into all kinds of troubles, just like any other little boy of his age.

At home, he lives with his group home parents and five foster siblings. There he has learned to trust and depend on his parents, and to accept and love every family member. Once he said to his baby sister with Down Syndrome, “I am very smart, and you are not so much. But I can give some of my smartness to you, and I will protect you!”


Tian Duo is sad that he is not tall enough, nor strong enough, in his eyes, because of his physical limitations. He also wonders when it is his turn to have a forever family, or whether anyone would “pick” him, after witnessing one after another younger siblings leaving with their very own mom and dad. For him, adoption also means he would have a lot more opportunities for education, and it is his dream to go to college some day, which is impossible for him in China.”

Please contact Holt for more information on adopting Duo.


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