Find My Family: Kevin

June 24, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Kevin is a wonderful little boy, born in October of 2011. He likes playing on the slide, riding the wooden horse on the playground, and playing tag and other games with the other children.

He has normal gross motor skills and is independent in his care- eating with a spoon, washing hands after meals, going to the bathroom, etc. Kevin is attending school – as of our last report, he had been in kindergarten. In the morning, he can brush his teeth, wash his face, eat breakfast, and pack his bag himself. Kevin has learned a lot at school. He can say the names of daily used objects, knows differences in size, understands opposites, can recognize simple shapes, and can count from 1 to 20. He is getting a lot of practice with drawing and coloring as well.

Kevin is an active participant in class and is praised by his teachers. Kevin’s caretakers describe him as a lovely boy who is talkative, friendly, bright, and happy! He almost always has a smile on his face! Kevin is good at following instructions and likes to help do some housework that he is capable of doing. He gets along well with others and participates in dancing, singing, and poetry activities.

Kevin was diagnosed as having a lymph-vessel tumor- lymphatic malformation in the right maxillofacial region and is a Hepatitis B carrier (3/5 positives). He had right facial lymph-vessel deformity image-guided percutaneous sclerosis under general anesthesia in December of 2013, May of 2014, August of 2014, April of 2015, and November of 2015. He recovered well after each surgery. In May of 2016, he had right facial, tongue lymph-vessel deformity image-guided percutaneous sclerosis.

May 2019 written update:

  1. How is his mental ability compared to peers of the same age?
    It is similar to other kids of the same age.
  2. How does the special need affect his health?
    He has a lymphatic malformation on the right maxillofacial and oral hemangioma (right tongue).
  3. Please describe his personality in details.
    He has a good personality. He is outgoing. In daily life, he talks a lot and expresses himself clearly. He likes singing, dancing, painting, and skipping ropes.
  4. Is he well behaved and obedient?
    Yes, he is.
  5. How are his gross motor skills? Can he walk, run, jump, and walk upstairs and downstairs by himself? Can he kick a ball? Can he pick up a ball? Any limited functions?
    Yes, he can do this without limited functions.
  6. How are his fine motor skills? Can he draw or scribble on paper? Can he pick up little things with his fingers?
    Yes, he can do this without limited functions.
  7. Is he in any kind of school? If so, what school? Can he catch up in school?
    He is studying at XX Elementary School, XX District, which is a public school. He is in grade one now. He was behind other kids of the same age at the beginning.
  8. How is his emotional development? Is the child attached to anyone? Who is he close to? Does he care for other people?
    Normal. He is not attached to anyone else in the orphanage. PXD is his closest friend. He knows to care for others.
  9. How are his social skills? Does he get along well with other children and adults?
    Good. He gets along well with others.
  10. Is he under foster care or living in the orphanage?
    He lives in the orphanage.
  11. Updated Measurements:
    Height: 123 cm; weight: 21 kg; head circ.:53 cm; Chest circ.: 59 cm; Foot length: 19.5 cm; Number of teeth: 21

Kevin is from a former Madison partnership orphanage. Everyone who has met and spent time with Kevin adores him and has nothing but good things to say about him, including our sweet friends at the Sparrow Fund.

Please help us spread the word about this sweet boy so that he will soon have a forever family of his own!

There is a $3,000 agency grant with Madison Adoption Associates for Kevin’s adoption. Other grants may be available based on the adoptive family’s circumstances. Agency grants are awarded as agency fee reductions. MAA also partners with the Brittany’s Hope Foundation for matching grants, which are given out twice a year and to families that already have their letter of approval from China.

Kevin needs a family with an approved home study to be able to hold his file or move forward with adopting him. If you have an approved home study or a home study in process and are interested in adopting Kevin, please fill out a free PAP Waiting Child Review Form, which can be found here.

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