

October 20, 2008 0 Comments

by Denise, mom to Maggie from China with Ventricular Septal Defect Let me start at the beginning. My dream of adopting from China goes back many years, but unfortunately, my husband did not feel that this was the plan for our family. We were blessed with four wonderful boys, but my longing for a daughter …Read More


October 20, 2008 0 Comments

by Lisa, mom to Grace from China who is HepB+ My goodness. Where to begin. My husband and I were perfectly content with our life and the way our average sized family filled out our average sized home and average sized vehicle….life was sort of just bouncing along and then, there in my contented state, …Read More


October 20, 2008 0 Comments

by Samantha, mom to Nicholas from China with cleft lip and cleft palate My son Nicholas is 3 and we adopted him from China at 22 months old. He has a cleft lip and cleft palate. When he was 5 months old, he was transferred from Tianjin SWI to Langfang Children’s Village, part of the …Read More


October 20, 2008 0 Comments

by Monica, big sister to Reese, from China, who has Sturge-Weber Syndrome We originally were aiming to go to China for a NSN girl, as young as possible. As we were gathering paperwork, some friends called us and said, “you have to look at these kids on your agency’s waiting list”. We did, and found …Read More

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