Find My Family: Oliver

January 31, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

In honor of National Glaucoma Awareness Month, the waiting children with glaucoma shared over the next few days are eligible for an additional $1,000 grant with Madison Adoption Associates. It is Madison’s hope and prayer that these grants will help ease some of the financial burden so that families can say “Yes!” (If you haven’t …Read More

Waiting For You: Thadd

January 30, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

In honor of National Glaucoma Awareness Month, the waiting children with glaucoma shared over the next few days are eligible for an additional $1,000 grant with Madison Adoption Associates. It is Madison’s hope and prayer that these grants will help ease some of the financial burden so that families can say “Yes!” (If you haven’t …Read More

Urgent Child Spotlight: Harlow

January 29, 2019 Children Who Wait 8 Comments

In honor of National Glaucoma Awareness Month, the waiting children with glaucoma shared over the next few days are eligible for an additional $1,000 grant with Madison Adoption Associates. It is Madison’s hope and prayer that these grants will help ease some of the financial burden so that families can say “Yes!” Beautiful Harlow was …Read More

Meet Ella!

January 28, 2019 Children Who Wait 3 Comments

Ella, born in April of 2012, is described as the happiest girl at the orphanage. Diagnosed with delays and an abnormal CT scan, she has updated photos, videos and information that paint a picture of how very well she is doing now. Someone who has met and spent a lot of time with Ella over …Read More

Find My Family: Keane

January 25, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Keane, born June of 2011, is a smart boy with bright eyes and the sweetest, shy smile. Keane was born with meningocele and hydrocephalus. He has had surgery to treat both. A recent update, which included this photo (below) and this video, reported that he is very respectful to adults in his life and that …Read More

20 Simple and Fun Ways to Support Newly Home Adoptive Families

January 21, 2019 adoption community, first year home, local adoption support, local church, Newly Home, Rebecca 0 Comments

Do you have friends who are a newly adoptive family and want to show them some love? (If they are still in the paperwork process, start here.) Every family is unique, but one thing is certain: they needed you while they were in process and they need you now. Their knees are wobbly because the …Read More

Waiting to be Chosen: Alexa

January 14, 2019 Children Who Wait 1 Comments

Alexa is a beautiful girl with so much potential! She was born in June of 2010, but didn’t come into the care of her orphanage until around four years of age. She was very sad, which is to be expected, but gradually adjusted to life in the orphanage. As she adjusted, she became much more …Read More

Waiting Child Spotlight: Piper

January 9, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Piper is a smiley and joyful girl, born in September of 2010. She is described by her caretakers as obedient and active, but is sometimes sensitive and impatient. Piper has good self-care skills and is able to dress, toilet, and eat independently. She likes to play with other children and is gentle with them. Piper …Read More

Find My Forever: Dawson

January 5, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Dawson is a smart, handsome, and optimistic boy, born in April of 2007 with congenital heart disease, specifically TGA (for which he has since had surgery), VSD, and pulmonary atresia. From 2010 until 2013, Dawson lived in the orphanage. In May of 2013, Dawson entered a foster family and he still resides with his foster …Read More

Ringing in the New Year

January 4, 2019 Megan V. 0 Comments

It’s a New Year. Maybe 2018 was lovely to you and you’re holding tightly to it because you’re afraid times this good can’t hold. You held your baby for the first time, bought a new house that you’re pretty sure you’re going to live the rest of your life in, worked some kinks out of …Read More

Meet Tesia!

January 1, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Tesia is an adorable little girl, born in November of 2014 with low muscular tension. She cannot stand on her own, but does like to move around in a walker. Tesia doesn’t yet speak any words, but she can understand, follow instructions, and respond when called. Tesia is a quiet, obedient, and smiley little girl …Read More

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