Waiting to be Chosen: Journey

April 25, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Are you ready for the cuteness that is Journey? Journey, born in January of 2013 with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect (PDA), is a beautiful little girl with a spectacular smile! Journey is not a picky eater and can feed herself, but won’t necessarily eat as much as she should so she does …Read More

Adoption. Ready or Not?

April 22, 2019 pre-adoption, Rebecca, should we adopt? 2 Comments

“Don’t wait for more revelation; be obedient to the amount of revelation God has given you.” – Mark Batterson, Draw the Circle I remember hunkering in my hiding spot as a child, my heart beating wildly. Whichever friend was “it” in our game of hide and seek would be counting to ten, just seconds away …Read More

Find My Family: Shaw

April 19, 2019 Children Who Wait 1 Comments

Shaw is a precious little boy born in January of 2015 with Down syndrome and congenital heart defects – ASD and PFO. In June of 2016, he underwent surgery to repair his ASD. Shaw came into care at the approximate age of one. At that time, he could stand and walk against the rails, and …Read More

Bladder Exstrophy: Calming Your Fears

April 15, 2019 adopting a boy, bladder exstrophy, Family Stories, older child adoption, Urogenital System, WACAP 4 Comments

In late fall of 2016, my husband I decided to pursue adoption. We mulled over what ages we would consider since we had other children and were “older parents” in our 40s. We decided that the perfect age would be somewhere around 4 years old. (I have now learned that when it comes to matters …Read More

Waiting for You: Kennedy

April 11, 2019 Children Who Wait 0 Comments

Kennedy is a beautiful and joyful little girl, born in September of 2012, who loves to wear dresses and skirts! One day after her foster mother bought her a new skirt, she stood in front of the mirror admiring herself and beamed happily when her foster mother said, “Kennedy is just like a fairy in …Read More

Life Is Better With You

April 3, 2019 adopting a boy, brain damage syndrome, brain injury, Family Stories, homeschool, hydrocephalus, large families, speech delay, speech therapy 1 Comments

We were on our way home from the dentist when my phone buzzed. Seeing the familiar number of our agency, I pulled over and answered. “Hello!”, she said cheerfully, “We are calling because we have a file we’d like to share with you if you’re interested.” She went on to say that it was a …Read More

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