Beneath the tough exterior

March 3, 2010 Andrea 2 Comments

This post was written yesterday by my friend Kristi of Fireworks and Fireflies. After reading it, I asked her to please let me share it with all of you. Kristi is currently in China with her family finishing up the adoption of this little beauty, now forever known as Darcy. She’s stunning, isn’t she? Ian …Read More

standing {out} for {something} good

February 4, 2010 Andrea, transracial adoption 7 Comments

Wanted or unwanted, being a transracial family means we attract attention. Just today, my girls and I were eating lunch when an older lady sitting nearby asked, “What part of Asia are they from?” and then asked if she could give each of my girls a dollar bill. We kindly accepted the monetary gift even …Read More

Mother Therapy

January 4, 2010 Andrea, early intervention, Education, hearing loss, microtia, speech delay, speech therapy 11 Comments

As parents, we naturally look for our child’s accomplishments. It is a unique gift we’ve been given. An Olympian can have his whole country cheering for him, but the only people he wants to see in the stands are his mom and dad. When my 2-year old daughter Lydia runs a crayon across a piece …Read More

We can be family and not look the same

December 3, 2009 Andrea 11 Comments

The other night we were preparing to visit friends of ours that adopted from Ethiopia (a sibling set of four children that includes twins!) As I was reviewing the names of their children with my 5-year old LeighAnna, she said that she remembered playing with the oldest (bio) daughter. I reminded LeighAnna that now there …Read More

How do we choose?

October 29, 2009 Andrea, referral 3 Comments

One of my biggest concerns in adoption was choosing our child. I worried that allowing us to be involved in picking a child would bring my fears and anxieties into the mix and somehow mess things up. When we adopted our oldest daughter through the non-special needs (NSN) program in 2005, China did the matching. …Read More

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