What to Expect in China: Things We Wish Adopters of Our Little Ones Knew
March 31, 2019
March 2019 Feature - In China, orphanage realities, What To Expect
For so many brand new parents of Chinese adoptees, the time spent in China is the most anticipated and intimidating portion of the adoption process. You’re finally able to hold your child in your arms; to emotionally and legally welcome them into your family. But, well…it’s China. It’s pretty different. As we adopted our beautiful …Read More
What to Expect: The Sisterhood
March 23, 2019
adoption community, China trip, March 2019 Feature - In China, Megan V., prepping for China, What To Expect
Trying to prepare someone for an adoption trip to China is literally like trying to prepare someone for giving birth. It will hurt. It will be expensive. It will be smelly and there might be blood and there will be tears. It will be so sweet. It will be surreal; you will come as one …Read More
What to Expect: A Letter to Traveling Families
March 14, 2019
China trip, Gotcha Day, March 2019 Feature - In China, prepping for China, Rebecca, travel tips, What To Expect
Dear Soon to Travel Adoptive Family, If I could go back now, these are the words that I’d whisper to my own pre-trip heart. My hope is that they’ll fall gently, offer a bucket of grace, excite your spirit, and speak to your heart. Before our first adoption trip, I was giddy with joy and …Read More
The Beginning of Forever: What to Expect in China
March 6, 2019
China trip, Gotcha Day, March 2019 Feature - In China, prepping for China, travel tips, What To Expect
I had read all our agency’s material, devoured everything I could find on NHBO that may prepare us, had my parents retell their stories of China over the course of adopting five times. I even dug deep in the recesses of my memory to relive every detail of my time in Beijing, Xi’an, Guangzhou and …Read More
What to Expect: the Homestudy
February 28, 2019
dossier, February 2019 Feature - The Paperchase, homestudy, I'm Ready to Adopt, Lifeline, What To Expect
I have been a licensed social worker practicing in international adoptions for over six years now, and I must confess that I absolutely love paperwork! I recognize that I am probably in the minority. I tell families that the beginning of the adoption process might feel like you are trying to sip from a fire …Read More
What to Expect: the Paperchase
February 5, 2019
adopting again, dossier, February 2019 Feature - The Paperchase, homestudy, referral, waiting for referral, waiting to travel, What To Expect
What often scares people away from adoption? The paperwork. Guess what scared me away from adoption? Among other things, the paperwork. There is a cloud of dread that hangs over prospective parents when the topic of adoption comes up because they have “heard” about the extensive amount of grueling paperwork involved. And to be honest, …Read More