Looking Back | Looking Ahead

January 9, 2016 adopting again, Amy A., Orphan Sunday 9 Comments

Happy New Year, No Hands But Ours Readers! I don’t know about you, but the year’s end always leaves me a feeling a little reminiscent about the past yet excited about the future. This transition from 2015 to 2016 is no exception as I reflected on where our adoption journeys have taken us and where …Read More

A Prayer for National Adoption Month

November 30, 2015 National Adoption Month, Orphan Sunday, protecting their story, Rebecca 2 Comments

How long must I wrestle with my thoughts…? – Psalm 13 Adoption awareness and orphan care have become a life’s work for us, a calling bigger than adding children to our family. It’s seeped into our faith, hearts, conversations, serving, friendships, and Instagram feeds. Though our first steps in were tentative, three adoptions later, we …Read More

Orphan Sunday: An Answer to Prayer

November 29, 2015 Amy A., orphan ministry, Orphan Sunday, other ways to care for the orphan 0 Comments

Thanksgiving was just a few days ago, and I find myself reflecting on all that I am grateful for this year. I filled my belly with turkey, Mama’s dressing, corn pudding, and pies while sitting around a table with some of the people I love most. I celebrated the presence of my new son and …Read More

the promise

November 2, 2014 Carrie, Orphan Sunday 1 Comments

It’s Orphan Sunday, and the internet is ablaze with happy adoption stories, mind-boggling orphan statistics, and pictures of children eligible for adoption. In many churches around the country today, there were sermons leaning heavily on James 1:27 and special presentations calling congregations to action. I have no doubt that some hearts will be changed and …Read More

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