A Little Further Down the Road
July 9, 2017
homeschool, June 2017 Feature - Orthopedic, Laine, large families, Orthopedic, radial club hand
Hi there! I’m Laine and I’m a mama to ten blessings from China and four bio blessings! It’s been a really long time since I’ve written a post for NHBO. I am feeling quite rusty in my writing skills these days! (But ask me to fix a large meal or read to a bunch of …Read More
All About Love
February 13, 2013
attachment activities, Laine
It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so let’s talk about LOVE! One of my favorite subjects! Some say, “Actions speak louder than words.” In some cases, that may be true. But we must never underestimate the power of words. When we meet our adopted children for the first time, we always say I love you lots and …Read More
#1 Sign
January 15, 2013
Here is the Number One Sign that you need to re-clarify the similarities between adopted and birth children: When your 5 year old sits next to an adult visitor at church and promptly asks him, “Did you come from a belly?” Well, Kevin. As a matter of fact, we ALL came from bellies. Time to …Read More
Adopting Two with the Same Special Need
December 13, 2012
Laine, microtia, radial club hand
Our first four adopted children from China have all had completely different special needs: radial club hands, cl/cp, bi-lateral microtia, and CHD. Our 5th adoption was our 5 year old Keith, who has radial club hands like our 7 year old daughter from China. When we saw his picture and his hands, we were amazed …Read More
730 Days
August 13, 2012
heart defect, Laine
“Stick ’em up, heart cath…” Kevin joined our family in February 2010 with pulmonary hypertension, single ventricle, heterotaxy, VSD, and a few other heart anomalies. Before we brought Kevin home, we knew there was a possibility that he would not be a candidate for a heart repair surgery. Just a few weeks after arriving home, …Read More
The Bed
July 13, 2012
cl/cp, heart defect, Laine, radial club hand
I love my bed, don’t you love your bed? Think about it for a minute. When you’ve been out of town for awhile, don’t you just look forward to your OWN BED? There’s just nothing else like it. And oh, that first night back in your bed after you’ve been away on a trip? You …Read More
A Birthday Fully Enjoyed
June 13, 2012
cl/cp, heart defect, Laine, radial club hand
I remember 5 years ago on May 26th, 2007. I was at my niece’s graduation camping experience with my entire family. We were having the time of our lives. Biking, hiking, roasting marshmallows, swimming, talking, sharing…it was a wonderful day! Except for that deep void I felt in my heart. That sadness that made me …Read More
Oh Mother, You Are Beautiful!
May 13, 2012
It’s Mother’s Day. You’re a mom of one, two, three, seven, ten, fourteen? You’re beautiful, Mother! It’s Mother’s Day. You’re a mom to biological children, adopted children, step children, grandchildren? You’re beautiful, Mother! It’s Mother’s Day. You’re about to be a mom for the first time, second time, seventh time? You’re beautiful, Mother! It’s Mother’s …Read More
Good Things Come in Small Packages
April 13, 2012
hearing loss, Laine, Sensory System
It is a common expression, and it is completely appropriate for the subject of this post…but I must add a disclaimer. Good things come in really big packages too! 🙂 In this case, the small package is a $3,500.00 little black box about the size of my thumbnail. It attaches to a screw implanted in …Read More
sibling saga
March 13, 2012
adopting out of birth order, Laine
I am sure that many of you can relate to sibling sagas. I prefer the term saga than rivalry. But it’s basically the same thing: siblings who struggle to get along with each other (and that is putting it very mildly when you’re living it, let me tell ya)! When we brought home our Kevin …Read More
"Why is one nostril bigger than the other?"
February 13, 2012
cl/cp, Laine
That was the question I got over the weekend from my 7 year old son, Quan. We adopted Quan from China in 2007. He had a cl/cp. Both were repaired upon arriving home, he was in speech therapy until 2010, and he has done AMAZING. I know not every experience with cl/cp is this simple. …Read More
and we love
May 13, 2011
Kristi, Laine
There is something unique about the international adoption community ~ specifically the SN group. It is not uncommon for us to sacrificially give to help raise the ransom for our children. We celebrate with one another during each step of the process and especially when our children come home. Yet with great joy comes deep …Read More
I Never Dreamed I Would Adopt Special Needs Children
February 14, 2011
I love to hear adoption testimonies! Everyone has a different story. Some say they ‘knew since they were little’ that they would adopt children. Some say it was never on their radar! Some say they began to talk about adoption after years of infertility. Some say it was something they discussed with their spouse from …Read More
Child Desired Form
December 14, 2010
The Child Desired Form. It is one of the few pieces of paper that has not been completed in our home study paperwork. It is a form that has an exhaustive list of medical special needs. We are supposed to “check” the special needs that we feel comfortable accepting. And I mean– there is every …Read More
Please Allow Faster Players to Play Through
November 14, 2010
Have you ever played miniature golf (we call it putt putt) and seen these signs? “Please Allow Faster Players to Play Through” There are those who are younger and take a few strokes more than others to get that little orange ball in the hole. Then there are those who might be older but still …Read More
Grasping Concepts
October 12, 2010
Adopting a hearing impaired child has brought so many new learning experiences into our family. Okay, when I read that, I want to yell, “THAT IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!” Our world was ROCKED when we brought Candie home. In a good way. Hard, but GOOD way. More importantly, HER world was turned upside down. I like …Read More
September 13, 2010
I know this is not rocket science, but this morning a thought crossed my mind about the way an adopted child becomes FAMILY. It seems like one day you wake up and realize how far your child has come. I realize how much more a part of the family he/she is than the day, week, …Read More
Dads and Adoption
August 13, 2010
Dads, Laine
I admit, it is very late, and I have been at a loss on what to write! So in scrolling through my pictures, I came to a very endearing shot of Kevin and his daddy. And it got me to thinkin’… I post my thoughts, my experiences, my feelings on everything from attachment in adoption …Read More
HOLD ON TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
June 13, 2010
That is what I feel like I’ve been doing since my last post on NHBO….holding on TIGHT! In April, when it was time for me to post, we were in the hospital. In May, when it was time for me to post, we had just come home from the hospital the day before my scheduled …Read More
Good News Bad News
March 13, 2010
Disclaimer: After being home from China one week, my mushy jet lagged brain is having trouble coming up with something profound and beautiful. So it is what it is, folks! In special needs adoption, there is a lot of good news & bad news. (What am I saying? In LIFE there is a lot of …Read More
Our First Birthday Together!
January 14, 2010
BAHA, Education, hearing loss, homeschool, Laine, microtia, older child adoption, speech delay, speech therapy
Last year she celebrated with her beloved foster mama… but this year she celebrates with her forever mama and forever family! 😉 Thank you Jesus! We brought our 7 year old, Candie, home on Halloween of 2008. Her birthday is 8/23/00. Her special need is bi-lateral microtia/atresia. Candie is a happy little girl and for …Read More
The Big Build-Up
December 13, 2009
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what in the world I would post on this beautiful blog. Don’t yall LOVE this blog? It is a big ol’ blessing to so many…Kris, your post below stole my heart. Anyway, yesterday I attended a travel information meeting my agency hosted. It was for families who are …Read More
October 27, 2009
As a mom to three special needs children from China (one CL/CP, one microtia/atresia, one radial club hands), I am learning to see things in a different light. With each adoption, I learn the art of looking at life through the eyes of a child more and more. As they are growing older and becoming …Read More