Elsie Larson on the Paperchase, Special Needs and Adoption
November 30, 2017
adopting as first time parents, albinism, medical needs checklist, paperchase, Stefanie, waiting for referral, waiting to travel
I found Elsie Larson of A Beautiful Mess on Instagram (@elsielarson) on #worldadoptionday and subsequently spent an inordinate amount of time reading about all the cool stuff she does… including growing their family through adoption. When, a week or so later, I listened to her podcast (in which she shares her thoughts on special needs …Read More
Organized Chaos: Managing Adoption Paperwork
August 13, 2017
Courtney, paperchase, referral, waiting for referral, waiting to travel
Call me weird but there is something about adoption paperwork that I actually enjoy. My personality thrives on checklists and deadlines. I love completing a task and knowing that the work is bringing me one step closer to my son. Paperwork is a tangible way to show that I am making progress in our adoption. …Read More
On Solid Ground
July 13, 2017
Courtney, paperchase, referral
Last week was a challenging one for the international adoption community with the release of new regulations for families desiring to adopt a child from China. According to most social media posts and adoption agencies, the regulations that seem to affect the largest number of families are the following: the new requirement of one year …Read More
Which Child Is His “Yes” For Us?
May 13, 2017
Courtney, declining a referral, paperchase, referral, should we adopt?, waiting for referral
Any time I look at a file of a child, my heart starts to beat a little faster. I immediately wonder, “is this the one?” As my husband and I wade through pages and pages of medical information, reports, doctor assessments, places of abandonment, finding dates, pictures, and videos, we often find ourselves wondering if …Read More
A Beginner’s Guide to Special Needs Adoption: Post Eight
April 6, 2017
A Beginner's Guide to Special Needs Adoption, adopting again, dossier, Faith, homestudy, paperchase, pre-adoption, Theraplay, waiting for referral, waiting to travel
Becoming a parent, no matter how it happens, is never easy. But for those just looking into the possibility of adoption it can seem positively overwhelming. It is our hope to change all that. This 8-post series will go step-by-step through the process to adopt through the special needs program for those of you who …Read More
A Beginner’s Guide to Special Needs Adoption: Post Seven
October 5, 2016
A Beginner's Guide to Special Needs Adoption, dossier, Faith, homestudy, I'm Ready to Adopt, paperchase, pre-adoption, referral, should we adopt?, waiting for referral, waiting to travel
Becoming a parent, no matter how it happens, is never easy. But for those just looking into the possibility of adoption it can seem positively overwhelming. It is our hope to change all that. This 8-post series will go step-by-step through the process to adopt through the special needs program for those of you who …Read More
The Gift of Waiting
September 29, 2016
adopting again, Courtney, paperchase, referral, waiting for referral, waiting to travel
When I was four I asked for a calendar. Just writing that sentence seems ridiculous. I asked my mom to keep track of my activities so I could know which event happened on what day. Sundays and Wednesdays were church and in between there was preschool, a plethora of playdates, and ballet practice. As long …Read More
A Beginner’s Guide to Special Needs Adoption: Post Six
September 3, 2016
A Beginner's Guide to Special Needs Adoption, dossier, Faith, homestudy, I'm Ready to Adopt, paperchase, pre-adoption, referral, should we adopt?, waiting for referral, waiting to travel
Becoming a parent, no matter how it happens, is never easy. But for those just looking into the possibility of adoption it can seem positively overwhelming. It is our hope to change all that. This 8-post series will go step-by-step through the process to adopt through the special needs program for those of you who …Read More
A Beginner’s Guide to Special Needs Adoption: Post Five
August 13, 2016
A Beginner's Guide to Special Needs Adoption, Agencies, agency-orphanage partnership, dossier, Faith, I'm Ready to Adopt, medical needs checklist, paperchase, pre-adoption, referral, should we adopt?, waiting for referral
Becoming a parent, no matter how it happens, is never easy. But for those just looking into the possibility of adoption it can seem positively overwhelming. It is our hope to change all that. This 8-post series will go step-by-step through the process to adopt through the special needs program for those of you who …Read More
Getting Connected
May 17, 2012
adoption community, Kelley, older child adoption, paperchase, referral, waiting to travel
I honestly believe that one of the most difficult parts of the adoption journey is that waiting period between being matched with your child and receiving approval to travel and meet your son or daughter face to face. Weeks seem like months as you check off the number of days passed for each step of …Read More
Questions: Part 2
July 28, 2011
dossier, homestudy, paperchase
If you’re anything like me (even after adopting through the SN program several times), you’ve found that many times you don’t have the answers you need on the process, the timelines, the rules – and honestly, have no idea where to start. That’s where our newest contributor comes in… Courtney Krause. We are so excited …Read More
Questions: Part 1
July 10, 2011
dossier, homestudy, paperchase
Thanks so much to everyone who responded to my first post!!! Lots of great things to discuss! As you probably can see, there are too many questions to answer in just one post, so I’ll be breaking this into several separate posts over the next few weeks. Question #1: My questions would be: typically how …Read More
go ahead… ask away!
July 5, 2011
dossier, homestudy, paperchase
If you’re anything like me (even after adopting through the SN program several times), you’ve found that many times you don’t have the answers you need on the process, the timelines, the rules – and honestly, have no idea where to start. That’s where our newest contributor comes in… Courtney Krause. We are so excited …Read More