Family Found

Find My Family: Saige

March 18, 2014 0 Comments

Saige is almost 12 years old and is listed as having Down Syndrome. From her file: At present, she has lived here for 3 years and now she is 9 years old. She studies cognition, language, math, social intercourse, emotion, fine arts, music, arts and crafts and physical education. She has Down syndrome and although …Read More

Find My Family: Elijah

March 6, 2014 2 Comments

update: my family has found me! Imagine a gorgeous 4-year-old boy who loves to play games with others, likes to play jokes on his caregivers and who has never had an illness other than a cold. Now imagine that same sweet boy doing all of that with no arms! Elijah was abandoned at birth and …Read More

waiting child highlight: anal atresia

March 4, 2014 0 Comments

Meet Elijah Update: My family has found me! Elijah’s development seems to be right on target and he has recovered well from his surgery to correct anal atresia! He still needs to wear a diaper, which he changes himself, because he is having leakage issues. He is diagnosed as post-operative anal atresia and has a …Read More

Find My Family: True

February 28, 2014 1 Comments

Update: My family has found me! Precious True is 10 years old and is listed as having a spinal deformity. Due to this special need, she is not very tall. She complies with the rules and respect her teachers and nannies. She has good self-care ability, can clean her room and wash her clothes. Usually …Read More

waiting child highlight: gladney

February 26, 2014 0 Comments

Update! I have a family Xin Xin is a 3 year old little girl who loves to play. Her caregivers say she is a happy little girl. She can say some words like “Ma Ma” and “Ba Ba”. She can also follow simple commands. Xin Xin’s special need is osteogenesis imperfecta. She does not walk …Read More

waiting child highlight: BAAS boys

February 24, 2014 0 Comments

I went to visit Pan Zhi Hua Children Welfare Institute, one of the orphanages that BAAS started one to one orphanage partnership with in late October of 2013 and had a wonderful time meeting the staff members and the children. Children from Pan Zhi Hua CWI are mostly older children (3 to 12) who have …Read More

Find My Family: Molly

February 14, 2014 1 Comments

Molly, born at the beginning of August of 2007, is an active, beautiful little girl who gets along well with others. She came into care at the age of 5, and was found to be a normal, healthy little girl who was developmentally on target. She adapted to the orphanage life quickly. She was tested …Read More

The Bamboo Project: 7 children who wait

February 6, 2014 1 Comments

**an update from Desiree from The Adoption Seed on the Bamboo Project kiddos who are still waiting for their forever families** Sometimes at night, just as my little boy is falling asleep in my arms, I whisper into his ear “You are loved. You are wanted. You are handsome. You are precious. You have a …Read More

Waiting child highlight: Urgent Medical Need

January 29, 2014 0 Comments

UPDATE: My family has found me! Kacey is a 13 year old girl from Southern China diagnosed with Thalassemia major. She is described as an obedient girl. She does not talk too much but is very polite. When talking with her, she is a great listener. She is a grateful girl. She likes to make …Read More

waiting child highlight: limb difference

January 14, 2014 4 Comments

Today we are advocating for the special need of Limb difference. Limb differences are a very common special need found in waiting children. A Limb difference is any change from what we would consider a typical limb. Anything from missing a finger, to missing the whole arm is considered a limb difference. Limb differences also …Read More

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The content found on the No Hands But Ours website is not approved, endorsed, curated or edited by medical professionals. Consult a doctor with expertise in the special needs of interest to you.