The Story of Alexis

June 23, 2018 amputation, Central Nervous System, cerebral palsy, Family Stories, hip dysplasia, June 2018 Feature - Orthopedic, lipomyelomeningocele, missing arm/leg, Orthopedic, prosthetics 0 Comments

When we were matched with our sweet Alexis we were told that she had hip dysplasia. Once we were back in the U.S. and we were able to take her to see a specialist, we found out that she has a form of spina bifida called lipomyelomeningocele, which means a fatty mass had attached to …Read More

Putting Your Best Foot (and Hip, Leg, and Toes) Forward

June 16, 2018 AFO, cerebral palsy, Family Stories, hemiplegia, hip dysplasia, June 2018 Feature - Orthopedic, Orthopedic 0 Comments

As a parent, you never want to “choose” to go through painful procedures and surgeries. However, when parenting a child with special needs, one has to weigh pros and cons of various therapies, tests, procedures, surgeries, medications… the list goes on and on. And when your child is functioning well overall, the decisions can be …Read More

Our Journey to Spina Bifida

April 1, 2018 adopting again, April 2018 Feature - CNS, Central Nervous System, Family Stories, hip dysplasia, hydrocephalus, leg length discrepancy, older child adoption, reluctant husband, spina bifida 3 Comments

Our journey to spina bifida started with a book — Knowing God by J.I. Packer. I was reading the book for an online book/Bible study. It was a meaty book, and I struggled to get through many parts of it. But then I read these words: “Nor is it the spirit of those Christians – …Read More

Doubly Blessed by PWS (Prader-Willi Syndrome)

November 12, 2017 complex medical, developmental delays, Family Stories, growth hormone deficiency, hip dysplasia, Nutrition, Prader-Willi syndrome 6 Comments

Hi, I’m Kallie. I am married to David, and we have two precious sons through adoption, Jahleel and Camden. Jahleel is five and a half years old and Camden is three and a half. Camden just came home from China this past spring. Both our boys have diagnoses of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), but they present …Read More

The Perfect Fit for Our Family

February 3, 2016 Family Stories, hip dysplasia, misdiagnosed SN, mobility issues, Orthopedic, port wine stain, Sturge Weber Syndrome, Vascular System 1 Comments

My husband and I were only married a year when the Lord called us to adopt. Separately, we both felt the Lord speak to us about adopting a little girl from China – we told each other a few days later. It was encouraging to hear that call, and we were both excited for the …Read More

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