Four Little Heartbeats

February 6, 2018 adopting again, amniotic band syndrome, complex heart defects, developmental delays, February 2018 Feature - Heart, Heart System, Orthopedic, profound deafness, Sensory System, toddler adoption, virtual twins 5 Comments

I’m a mama to four heart babies. And this is our story of becoming a family… our story of going from no children to four children in 15 months. This is our crazy, wonderful life. It was a big day. It was the day my husband messaged me at work and told me that he …Read More

A Life Donated: Part 4

July 11, 2017 A Life Donated, Andrea O., complex heart defects, end stage cardiac disease, heart transplant, single ventricle heart disease, terminal diagnosis 0 Comments

Rini, our youngest of six children, was adopted in August of 2013 at end stage heart failure stemming from complex, single ventricle congenital heart disease. She was admitted to the hospital immediately upon arrival home and within two weeks it was determined that she was inoperable, her only hope would come through cardiac transplant. She …Read More

Little Did We Know

January 23, 2017 complex heart defects 4 Comments

Seven years ago, on this very day, we boarded a plane for China. Little did we know… Little did we know how fuzzy your little head would be, or that you had the most beautiful dimples, or that you had the sweetest voice ever. Little did we know how brave you would be. Little did …Read More

The Ledge

November 27, 2016 advanced heart failure, Andrea O., complex heart defect, complex heart defects, Heart System, heart transplant 3 Comments

On November 11, 2013, our 24 month old daughter was in the Cardiac ICU, on the national transplant waiting list, and on ECMO life support due to end stage heart failure. The following day, we would learn that she would receive the gift of life through cardiac transplant. During that tumultuous time, I had many …Read More

He Knows

May 21, 2016 adopting a boy, clubfoot, complex heart defects, Family Stories, hypospadias, PDA, waiver request 3 Comments

Who knew ​this momma – who had once upon a time envisioned life with my husband to include ​a couple of ​children, a spacious home, and (of course!) many family vacations to tropical destinations​ – would instead​ learn (​and ​daily​ re-learn)​ that the path to the​ purest​ peace and the greatest joy​ is to​ yield …Read More

Who Are You Waiting For?

December 6, 2011 complex heart defect, complex heart defects, older child adoption, Wife of the Prez 0 Comments

Are you waiting for a referral? Are you waiting in the Waiting Child (SN) program or the traditional (NSN) program? Are you waiting for what seems like years? Or perhaps you have been waiting for years?Do you know who you are waiting for? A daughter younger than two years old perhaps? Or maybe she could …Read More

Matters of the Heart

February 27, 2010 complex heart defect, complex heart defects, Wife of the Prez 7 Comments

It is no secret that I advocate for children waiting in China, for children waiting who have unrepaired and complex congenital heart defects. I do not advocate to ever pressure anyone into considering the adoption of a child out of guilt. I advocate for the child. Period. I have recently had my heart broken nearly …Read More

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