Celebrate Chinese New Year with Fun Learning Activities

February 15, 2018 Chinese Culture, Chinese Holidays, Chinese New Year, February 2018 Feature - Honoring China in the Everyday, guest post 0 Comments

Tomorrow begins Chinese New Year! We are from Singapore and currently living in California now. Being so far away from home, it is so important for me to try to cultivate the love for Chinese culture and language in my children through these celebrations. To learn more about this important Chinese festival, I set up …Read More

Are they American? Or Chinese? Or both? Or maybe we shouldn’t ask…

January 31, 2018 adoptee perspective, books, Chinese Culture, embracing their story, guest post, heritage trip, orphanage, Post-Adoption contact, telling their life story 0 Comments

Patti Waldmeir, award winning author and foreign correspondent, raised her adopted Chinese daughters Grace and Lucy for half their life in China. She’s just published a book about raising them in the country that could not keep them… The Waldmeir family visiting Grace’s hometown of Yangzhou in 2008 /// “Do they know they’re adopted?” Soaking …Read More

Incorporating Chinese Culture into Your Home with Chinese Food

November 4, 2017 Chinese Culture, Chinese food, guest post, recipes 17 Comments

I’m Maggie Zhu. I started Omnivore’s Cookbook in 2013. Born and raised in Beijing, now I’m a Austin based blogger, writer, recipe developer, and photographer. Learning and sharing Chinese food became a way to connect me with my roots and the rest of the world. It reminds me of who I am. I’m proud to …Read More

Preparing for Adoption: A Family Therapist’s Perspective

October 23, 2017 books, China trip, guest post, I'm Ready to Adopt, Lifeline, October 2017 Feature - Preparing for Adoption from the Experts, pre-adoption, prepping for China, TBRI-based therapy 0 Comments

You’ve dreamt for this day for months, years even. Planned for it, traveled halfway around the world for it and played it out in your mind a million times. And yet, the reality of becoming a family through adoption is undoubtedly different. What happens next depends much on how you, as the adoptive parent, process …Read More

Meet the Author of “You Can Adopt Without Debt”

August 8, 2016 affording adoption, books, fundraisers, fundraising for adoption, guest post, pre-adoption, should we adopt? 0 Comments

“I’ve thought about adopting, but I could never afford it!” I think every adoptive family has either heard that comment, or maybe even thought it themselves at some point. It was those conversations — sometimes at church, sometimes in the grocery store — that led me to write “You Can Adopt Without Debt.” I’ve wanted …Read More

Her First Smile

July 30, 2016 cl/cp, Craniofacial, Family Stories, guest post, July 2016 Feature - Craniofacial, surgery 5 Comments

It was the morning before my daughter’s cleft lip repair. Alongside my husband and with my daughter in my arms, we walked into her surgeon’s office. We had intentionally waited four months after her adoption before scheduling the surgery. I wanted to give her time to begin to know and trust us. I also wanted …Read More

Dear Younger Me, His Plans are Good

July 7, 2016 adopting a boy, adopting later in life, aging out expedite, guest post, July 2016 Feature - Dear Younger Me, older child adoption 0 Comments

“When I think back over the years since marrying Tom Rylands, it is almost surreal to me the path that God chose for our family. It was a path that was such a grand departure from any plans that we had for ourselves. When Tom, 28 years my senior, and I approached marriage, neither of …Read More

How Sweet Moon Baby: An Adoption Tale Found Its Way

June 21, 2016 books, guest post, June 2016 Feature - Books 0 Comments

We all have a history. Even my picture book, Sweet Moon Baby: An Adoption Tale, carries a unique backstory. When I was four years old, I had three goals: a husband, a daughter, and a book. I was sketchy about how to accomplish the first two, so I tackled the book. In purple crayon, I …Read More

Multi-Cultural Adoption Books for Kids

June 18, 2016 books, guest post, June 2016 Feature - Books 0 Comments

There is an ancient Chinese belief that an invisible, unbreakable red thread connects all those who are destined to be together. From The Red Thread by Grace Lin There is a subtle thread that ties some of these books together. It’s the bridge from Asia to America through adoption. When kids are placed into loving …Read More

Author Kay Bratt: Why She Writes About China

June 11, 2016 books, guest post, June 2016 Feature - Books 0 Comments

Most in the adoption community know my name from the memoir, titled Silent Tears; A Journey of Hope in a Chinese Orphanage. But before my journal-turned-book hit the shelves and made haste landing in the hands of those hungry for information about what it may have been like for their children before adoption, I was …Read More

Preparing Siblings for Adoption: Five Simple Guidelines

February 9, 2016 adopting again, February 2016 Feature - Siblings, guest post, referral, siblings, waiting to travel 4 Comments

If you are reading this, I am guessing you are close to saying YES to adoption or have already done so. There is a great chance you are somewhere in the middle of the paperwork race or nearing the finish line. You have countless hours under your belt thinking about how you will love, parent …Read More

Dear Parents-To-Be: Advice From the Front Lines

October 22, 2015 adopting two at once, adoption realities, China trip, disruption, Gotcha Day, guest post, older child adoption, orphanage behaviors 13 Comments

There’s been a rash of disruptions lately, both while still in China and shortly after the families are back in America. I’m not here to pass judgment on people, or talk about families who disrupt months or years into the process. I’m here to talk about the beginning, and to give some advice. Real advice. …Read More

Lean In to the Author of Your Story

April 6, 2015 adoption realities, books, guest post 0 Comments

Each adoption tells a story. When our family was in the midst of the laborious form-filling, check-writing, waiting, waiting, waiting stage of our daughter Lucy’s adoption, we had plenty of time to envision how our story—how Lucy’s story—would go. We had plenty of education, you see. We read and re-read The Connected Child, we attended …Read More

disruption: 3 things for parents to consider

March 26, 2015 adoption realities, disruption, guest post, LWB, March 2015 Feature - Disruption, orphanage realities 4 Comments

Today we finish out our month-long series on disruption with a post by Amy Eldridge of Love Without Boundaries Foundation. We are so grateful to include her voice of experience here, as she has spent years working on behalf of orphans in China and has witnessed the wake of disruption on families and children – …Read More

Thoughts on Disruption: This Much I Know For Sure

March 6, 2015 disruption, guest post, March 2015 Feature - Disruption 43 Comments

Continuing our series, Disruption in Adoption, today we are sharing a post from Stephanie, a mom who has personally experienced the devastation of a failed adoption. We are grateful for her willingness to share her story. ……….. 18 years in the classroom as a teacher was easy compared to parenting three little ones at home …Read More

Post-adoption depression: you are not alone

January 30, 2015 guest post, January 2015 Feature, January 2015 Feature - Post-Adoption Depression, post-adoption depression 1 Comments

Earlier this month, Erin shared her experience with post-adoption depression. Today, as January and our spotlight on PADS come to a close, Erin is back with a follow-up post she so generously offered to share. I remember the first day when I woke up not in a complete fog from PADS. It was like I …Read More

HIV: Stigma and Disclosure

January 23, 2015 guest post, HIV, Infectious, January 2015 Feature 0 Comments

Two of the biggest topics in the HIV adoption world are disclosure and stigma. They are very closely related. So let’s talk about them. Stigma can be defined as a stain on one’s reputation, or a mark of disgrace. HIV sure does have a blemish on its reputation. So much fear of how it is …Read More

being refined

January 21, 2015 guest post, January 2015 Feature, January 2015 Feature - Post-Adoption Depression, post-adoption depression 13 Comments

i’ve been mulling over this post for a month. it’s not for lack of content, but an inability to process and actually edit and write it down. so forgive me if this is wordy. i hope you can hear my heart. we are nearly 4 years home with my daughter. she is our 3rd of …Read More

Looking back on adopting my child with HBV

January 17, 2015 Family Stories, guest post, HepB+, Infectious, January 2015 Feature 3 Comments

When my husband and I decided in 2008 to adopt from China’s Special Needs Program, we knew we would have to fill out a medical check list. One of the needs we readily checked was Hepatitis B. I had contacted HepB as an adult and had cleared the virus without really getting sick. Of course, …Read More

post-adoption depression: one mom’s story

January 13, 2015 adoption realities, guest post, January 2015 Feature, January 2015 Feature - Post-Adoption Depression, post-adoption depression 7 Comments

My husband and I delved into the world of adoption like most parents; blinders on and only thinking of having our newest family member in our arms. We trudged through all of the standard trainings which really prepared us for nothing and filled out our mountain of paperwork. Before we knew it, we were packing …Read More

Fish Out of Water {adoption mommas – we need each other}

November 10, 2014 adoption community, Andrea Y., guest post 3 Comments

Six years ago this week — my third child was born. We were done — we thought. Outnumbered. Three made sense to us and to the world around us. I would have never guessed in that hospital room that just 4 months later we would be filling out mounds and mounds of paperwork to grow …Read More

A Dream Come True: Adopting a Child with Down Syndrome

October 27, 2014 Down syndrome, Family Stories, guest post 7 Comments

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I always knew I would adopt from China. From a very young age, I remember being drawn to families who had done so, and …Read More

The Ayers Family Writes Their Own Story

October 20, 2014 Family Stories, guest post, osteogenesis imperfecta 7 Comments

As people grow up, get married, and launch into a life together, there’s a funny series of conversations that often encircles these rights of passage. Even as a teenager, I remember the chatter. “How many kids do you think you’ll have?” And after weddings, I’ve heard, “When do you think you’ll starting trying?” Right after …Read More

She Smiles

September 22, 2014 cl/cp, Craniofacial, guest post, referral 15 Comments

Late one Monday night, I incessantly hit ‘refresh’ on my computer screen hoping for an email. Longing for THE email. The minutes felt like hours and then suddenly something popped up. The subject simply had a name – my daughter’s name. A flood of emotions overtook my husband Chris and I as we opened that …Read More

a mom’s struggle with attaching

July 31, 2014 adoption realities, Attachment, guest post 18 Comments

I was given a deadline for this post of the end of July – mostly because I asked for one.  That was a month ago.  As I write this I am now only one week out from the deadline, and I’m just now sitting down to put my thoughts on paper.  Although I am a …Read More

Looking Past the Diagnosis

September 9, 2011 guest post 0 Comments

Today’s post is written by Holly, mother to four – two adopted from China through the Special Needs program. Holly blogs at Purpose Driven Family.   I remember when we were praying and contemplating over her file. Was SHE our daughter? How could we ever know? There are so many orphaned children in need, how could …Read More

No Holding Her Back!

January 7, 2011 adopting two at once, guest post 0 Comments

or Adopting Two at the Same Time 13 months and 28 days… but who’s counting? That’s how long our two newest Treasures have been home. It’s a journey that has seemed like a lifetime, and will last another lifetime. When we met our son Kooper, almost 14 at the time; and our daughter Kinley Grace, …Read More

Collision of Two Cultures

November 7, 2010 guest post, older child adoption 0 Comments

One year ago two worlds collided in Eastern China as a 13-year-old boy met his American parents for the first time. What was to follow would be a dance of sorts, some missed footing, some stepping on toes, loss of rhythm… and finally, a year later, a harmonious blend of steps we call life. To …Read More


November 1, 2010 guest post 0 Comments

Tracie is joining us for her first time as guest contributor at No Hands But Ours. Tracie enjoys life as the home schooling mom to her three blessings by international adoption. She rants, raves, laughs, cries and otherwise carries on about life as an everyday mom facing every day challenges at Mom Versus Wild. Tracie …Read More

Restored Hope

October 25, 2010 Chinese Culture, guest post, Katherine, orphanage realities 0 Comments

Guest contributor Katherine is back this month. She is currently working as a teacher in China, and also has the unique opportunity to spend time volunteering at a local orphanage. Katherine blogs over at Life of a Pilgrim and, though not an adoptive mother, she has invaluable (and profound) insights into life in China. I’m going …Read More

listen to those left behind

October 4, 2010 guest post 0 Comments

Shared by julia… wife to Andy who still makes me laugh every day and mom to 4 kids (and a 5th waiting somewhere in China) who are either making me laugh or making me crazy-o. My goal is to have more laughter than not each day and even if it makes it by .001% then I’m …Read More

chainsaw encouragement

September 25, 2010 a father's perspective, Adrian, guest post 0 Comments

Wife: You can totally cut down that tree! Me: Really? I donno. Its pretty big. And I’ve never really cut down a tree before. Wife: You can totally do it! Remember when you and your buddies took down the tree at our old place? Me: Yea, we tried to rent a chain saw, but the …Read More

A Way With Da Ladies

September 3, 2010 a father's perspective, Adrian, Attachment, guest post 0 Comments

 Today’s guest post is by our first contributor who isn’t a mama… he is a baba. Adrian is father to four children, his youngest daughter adopted from China, and blogs at Forever Family. ____________________________________________________________________ I know there are some stories of adoption out there, where the bonding between child and parent(s) is instant and wonderful! …Read More

Slipped through the cracks

July 29, 2010 guest post, older child adoption 4 Comments

…but always in the hands of the Father. I’m talking about our son, Kooper. Nine months ago we met him for the first time. In April when we received his referral, we wondered why this 13 year old boy had to wait so long for a family to call his own. Little did we know, …Read More


July 6, 2010 Chinese Culture, guest post, Katherine 2 Comments

Our newest guest contributor is Katherine, who is currently living and teaching in China. She also has the unique opportunity to spend time volunteering at a local orphanage. Katherine blogs over at Life of a Pilgrimand although she is not an adoptive mother, she has a unique perspective and invaluable insights into life in China. I’m …Read More

stepping out

June 15, 2010 Chinese Culture, guest post, Katherine 6 Comments

Our newest guest contributor is Katherine, who is currently living and teaching in China. She also has the unique opportunity to spend time volunteering at a local orphanage. Katherine blogs over at Life of a Pilgrim and although she is not an adoptive mother, she has a unique perspective and invaluable insights into life in …Read More

Do You Really Love Me?

June 6, 2010 guest post, older child adoption 5 Comments

Today’s guest post is contributed by Connie, mom to eight children… two recently adopted (at the same time!) from China through the SN program, Kooper 14, and Kinley 2. Connie blogs about life as a mom of many at One More Ladybug. There is a pattern emerging. One that was either non-recognizable or perhaps non-existent …Read More

The Stigma of Special Needs

May 27, 2010 guest post 4 Comments

Today’s post is written by a guest contributor, Holly, from Purpose Driven Family. Holly has three children, her youngest, Josiah, is from China. And they’re waiting for their newest addition, Elaina, to come home from China… Like it or not there is often a stigma attached to the label “special needs”. To the outside world …Read More

Explaining "I Did Not Love My Adopted Child" to My Very Real, Very Loved Daughter

May 2, 2010 Attachment, guest post, KJ 4 Comments

A final guest post, contributed by KJ Dell’Antonia (aka Lola Granola). KJ is now a regular contributor at NHBO, so you’ll hear from her monthly beginning this month. KJ is a writer and mother to four children. Her youngest, Rory, was adopted from China in July 2009. She blogs about real life at Raising Devils. …Read More

my son

April 15, 2010 cl/cp, Craniofacial, Family Stories, guest post, older child adoption 0 Comments

Today’s post is a guest post, written by Amy who is in China now adopting her son, Xinran 🙂 In just a few short weeks, 19 days to be exact, a 4 year old little boy with dark brown hair and black eyes will stand in front of me. He will call me Mama. I …Read More

on the road to healing

April 2, 2010 guest post, older child adoption 2 Comments

Today’s guest post is contributed by Connie, mom to eight children… two recently adopted (at the same time!) from China through the SN program, Kooper 14, and Kinley 2. Connie blogs about life as a mom of many at One More Ladybug. No doubt, adoption is full of so many unknowns. Our children from China …Read More

That Rare, Highly Desirable Commodity: Me.

March 28, 2010 Attachment, guest post, KJ 8 Comments

A guest post, contributed by KJ Dell’Antonia (aka Lola Granola). KJDA is a writer (for numerous publications) and is mother to four children. Her youngest, Rory, was adopted from China in July 2009. She blogs about life at Raising Devils. It has been a rough trip, these last six or seven months, and there were …Read More

A Greater Tragedy {Carrie}

March 1, 2010 Carrie, guest post 11 Comments

We are excited to share that Carrie will be joining us as a guest poster here at No Hands But Ours. Carrie works in China at New Day Foster Home and chronicles her life in China on her blog Signs of Hope. A Greater Tragedy She was talking about AIDS orphans. Maybe that’s what caught …Read More

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