How Adoption Shaped My Life: An Adoptee Speaks

September 30, 2018 adoptee perspective, adult adoptee, embracing their story, older child adoption, orphanage, Post-Adoption contact, September 2018 Feature - Hearing From Adult Adoptees, spina bifida, telling their life story 4 Comments

I was 10 years old when I was adopted. I had spent all my life in an orphanage. I had no idea it was even possible to be adopted, let alone by American families – I thought I had everything I needed. Going to school I knew I was different. I didn’t have pretty clothes, …Read More

The Dance

August 23, 2018 adopting out of birth order, Central Nervous System, clubfoot, Family Stories, mobility issues, older child adoption, Orthopedic, scoliosis, spina bifida, virtual twins, wheelchair user 5 Comments

I’ll never forget the morning I found my daughter Ava and son Daniel huddled around the family computer. The screen was blocked by their two heads… “Whatcha doin’?” I inquired. They both turned around to reveal a waiting child adoption site that they had been scrolling through. “Mom, look at this little girl… isn’t she …Read More

Our Journey to Spina Bifida

April 1, 2018 adopting again, April 2018 Feature - CNS, Central Nervous System, Family Stories, hip dysplasia, hydrocephalus, leg length discrepancy, older child adoption, reluctant husband, spina bifida 3 Comments

Our journey to spina bifida started with a book — Knowing God by J.I. Packer. I was reading the book for an online book/Bible study. It was a meaty book, and I struggled to get through many parts of it. But then I read these words: “Nor is it the spirit of those Christians – …Read More

The Scoop on Poop: All About Bowel Management

June 11, 2017 anorectal malformation, bowel management, cerebral palsy, cloaca, imperforate anus, incontinence, Jennifer B., lipomyelomeningocele, myelomeningocele, neurogenic bowel and bladder, recto vaginal fistula, spina bifida, Urogenital System, VACTERL 0 Comments

This post is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Poop is a daily topic of conversation in our home. After three years of being in the trenches, I can tell you more than you’d probably ever want to know about it, but it hasn’t …Read More

Full of Surprises

May 17, 2017 Central Nervous System, Chiari 1 malformation, clubfoot, Family Stories, hydrocephalus, hydronephrosis, neurogenic bowel and bladder, spina bifida 2 Comments

When we started our adoption process we wanted a healthy child. That’s what everyone wants – adopted or biological – right? Our hearts changed when we had the privilege of working with special needs kids, and we saw so much life and strength in them that we changed our adoption papers to special needs. When …Read More

From Inconvenient to Eternal

May 6, 2017 AFO, April 2017 Feature - CNS, bowel management, Central Nervous System, Family Stories, incontinence, medical needs checklist, referral, spina bifida, waiting for referral, wheelchair user 3 Comments

We had the same picture as so many others at the start: we envisioned a perfect, beautiful, raven-haired little girl from China. When we started exploring adoption and saw that the face of adoption had really changed to be all about special needs, we shifted our thinking. Minor, correctable needs, we thought. Our perfect, beautiful, …Read More

The Real Worst Case Scenario

April 9, 2017 adopting as a single mom, adopting as first time parents, April 2017 Feature - CNS, Central Nervous System, Chiari 2 malformation, Family Stories, hydrocephalus, medical needs checklist, mobility issues, neurogenic bowel and bladder, spina bifida, waiting for referral, wheelchair user 1 Comments

When I began the adoption process, in the fall of 2013, I filled out my agency’s medical conditions checklist, or MCC. I was only open to a girl up to age 18 months, but being a special education teacher, I was familiar with and open to a wide variety of medical needs. At the time, …Read More

April Special Needs Focus (and Favorite Family Stories): Central Nervous System

April 1, 2017 April 2017 Feature - CNS, Central Nervous System, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, Favorite Family Stories, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, moyamoya, spina bifida 0 Comments

The term special needs can sound scary. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. Our goal at NHBO is to equip and inform parents – replacing fear with knowledge – as they navigate the beginning stages of special needs adoption. And then encourage and support those home with their special needs kiddos. We do …Read More

Pictures, Songs, and God’s Goodness

November 25, 2016 complex medical, developmental delays, Developmental System, encephalocele, hypothyroidism, November 2016 Feature - Then and Now 1 Comments

After several adoptions, I’ve realized there is not a “standard” Then and Now story. We have a heart hero, a tiny miracle with the biggest and brightest joy, a precious daughter who struggles with significant PTSD, and a daughter with great needs who is a two steps forward, ten steps back – kind of girl. …Read More

Then and Now: Abby and Evie

November 23, 2016 adopting again, adopting out of birth order, Family Stories, food issues, Heart System, homeschool, November 2016 Feature - Then and Now, older child adoption, orphanage behaviors, port wine stain, spina bifida, VSD 0 Comments

November is Adoption Awareness Month. And our focus is Then and Now… glimpses into the lives of children – children who were once orphaned – who are now beloved family members. Daughters, sons, sisters and brothers who are now blossoming in the love of a forever family… ……….. We have been blessed with two beautiful …Read More

Building a Family: Adopting as a Single Mom

June 3, 2016 adopting as a single mom, diastematomyelia, Family Stories, June 2016 Feature - Orthopedic, older child adoption, Orthopedic, scoliosis, spina bifida, tethered cord, working mom 2 Comments

I am a happy and busy single mom to two wonderful daughters adopted from China. My older daughter, Corrie, was adopted in 2002 through the NSN (non-special needs) program; she is a smart, funny, and thoughtful young lady who loves animals and plans to be a veterinarian when she grows up. For years Corrie and …Read More

The Blessings of an Unknown Road

May 13, 2016 adopting later in life, Central Nervous System, Family Stories, reluctant husband, spina bifida, toddler adoption 20 Comments

Let me start by saying I am an ordinary middle aged woman living an ordinary life but just happen to have five extraordinary children, three of whom are adopted. My children have forever changed my life. My oldest son is 31 with a beautiful wife and two precious children of his own. My second oldest …Read More

Adopting a Child with Hydrocephalus

April 1, 2015 April 2015 Feature CNS, Central Nervous System, Family Stories, hydrocephalus, myelomeningocele, spina bifida 1 Comments

I’ve had this conversation with prospective adoptive parents at least six times in six months, after they hear that my sweet two-year-old girl has Spina Bifida (but before they realize she has hydrocephalus). Me: Oh, so, you have Spina Bifida on your medical checklist? Them: Yep! Me:  Do you have hydrocephalus too? Them:  No…it’s scary. …Read More

Taking Care of Business – part 2

October 17, 2014 incontinence, Jean, spina bifida 3 Comments

In my previous poop and potty post I shared with you about our son who was born with spina bifida and as a result he is incontinent. After watching him sit on the waiting child list the Lord made it clear that he was our son and that we could do this special need. And …Read More

Adopting Two Boys with Tethered Cord

October 4, 2014 Central Nervous System, Family Stories, spina bifida, tethered cord 2 Comments

It was December 2010, exactly one year since we had brought home our first child from China. I happened to be on New Day Foster Home’s site, and this face popped up on the screen. His eyes captured my heart. Immediately, all of our children and I began praying for this little guy, wondering if …Read More

Taking Care of Personal Business

June 15, 2014 incontinence, Jean, spina bifida 6 Comments

In other words this is a poop and potty post! Many of the children that sit and sit and sit on the waiting child list are there because they are incontinent. Which means they cannot control their bowels and bladder. We have brought 2 children home that were in “that situation.” One was diagnosed with …Read More

special need highlight: adopting a child with limited mobility

April 26, 2014 Central Nervous System, Family Stories, incontinence, mobility issues, spina bifida, wheelchair user 5 Comments

It was April 2012. We had just completed our first adoption from Uganda. The 6 month wait had been satisified for the state of Ohio and we’d just fully adopted our new son. Then…we fell in love with a story and a picture. A sweet little boy waited for us in China! 10 months later, …Read More

special need highlight: adopting a child with spina bifida

April 22, 2014 Central Nervous System, Family Stories, spina bifida 0 Comments

In 2012 we started our adoption journey. We have four biological children and wanted to add a special needs baby to the mix! It was very difficult for us to go through the medical list of possible special needs, but we left it in God’s hands. When we received our daughter’s file from our agency …Read More

Find My Family: Chelsea

April 14, 2014 Advocacy, Family Found, girls, spina bifida 0 Comments

JOYFUL UPDATE: My Family has found me!! Chelsea is a strong and open girl who was found at a station gate in November 2009. She was born February of 2009. Upon admission into the care center, Chelsea was noted to be weak and thin with rapid breath and a feeble cry and to have a …Read More

Do you Love me Big?

December 21, 2012 a father's perspective, Adrian, spina bifida 2 Comments

This, is my family. They are all pretty cute, but they also look very different. Well, not Miss G and the Wife. They look very much alike. Everyone comments that Miss G is a miniature version of the Wife. And from what I’m told, Senior K walks, talks and behaves very much like myself. But …Read More

Every mom needs a tree

August 21, 2012 a father's perspective, Adrian, spina bifida 4 Comments

If you happen to want to adopt internationally, and you live in Ontario Canada, there is a certain course you have to take. It’s called the PRIDE course. And it covers many wonderful topics. The PRIDE curriculum provides information to help prepare all adoptive parents for the responsibilities involved in raising their children and incorporates …Read More

To the Mother in WalMart with the Screaming Child…

July 21, 2012 a father's perspective, Adrian, spina bifida 2 Comments

… I’m sorry. It’s a good thing I’m cute! I’m sorry I judged you too quickly. I’m sorry that at the sight of your disheveled hair, clad in your 1972 floral print muumuu, with mismatched socks, I judged you. I’m sorry that while your child lay on the ground, feet flying up in the air, …Read More

Odd family

May 21, 2012 a father's perspective, Adrian, spina bifida 2 Comments

Happy Mother’s Day! Um, okay, maybe that’s a little late, but this is really the first time I’ve had to post since Mother’s Day. ComicCon 2012 – what better way to say “Thanks Mom!” I hope Mother’s Day was great for everyone… lots of flowers, and chocolate, and other such things. Our Mother’s Day, well, …Read More

The state of her heart

April 21, 2012 a father's perspective, Adrian, spina bifida 6 Comments

So this post is a little unexpected. I’ve got a post about Miss G’s B-Day, and that hopefully will be funny. I’ve got a post about some other stuff, again, hopefully funny. They always look cute when dressed up as a duck But driving home today, Ping had said something that I think I need …Read More

Sleepless in Beijing

November 21, 2011 a father's perspective, Adrian, older child adoption, spina bifida 0 Comments

So the wife is currently in China, and I’m still here in Canada.The Wife, BigD (our 2nd eldest son) and our new son Lukai are about 5 days away from coming home.There have been a great many thing which I’ve learned over the last few weeks.  Some of them related to adoption, most related to …Read More

Ming bai

September 21, 2011 a father's perspective, Adrian, foster care, Parenting Special Needs, spina bifida 0 Comments

I love this word in Chinese:  明白, or, if you do not have Chinese fonts installed on your computer, it is “Ming bai”. Little Lukai whom will arrive in Canada on Nov 24th! Now, why do I love it?  Because it means “to understand”.  Or, to “see clearly”.  Literally, I think it means something like …Read More

Why Hello Spinabifida…

August 21, 2011 a father's perspective, adoption realities, Adrian, Parenting Special Needs, spina bifida 0 Comments

Ping:  Dad!  Dad!  DAD! Me:  What’s up baby? Ping:  Can you take my picture?!Me:  Of course!  Let me get the camera. Ping:  YAY!… a few seconds later … Me:  Okay baby, smile for Daddy! Ping:  What?  No.  I no smile. Me:  But you gotta smile for the picture.  You gotta look cute.Ping:  I want you to take a picture of my …Read More

I am a Coward

June 21, 2011 a father's perspective, adoption realities, Adrian, Parenting Special Needs, spina bifida 0 Comments

Hello, my name is The Yeti…… and I am a Coward. Ping enjoying a horse ride, even with Spina Bifida Now, I’m not ALWAYS a coward.  There are many many things in life which I face bravely.  I can wrestle with bears wrapped in bacon… but for the life of me, children scare me. Now …Read More

Baby Bing

March 21, 2011 a father's perspective, Adrian, incontinence, spina bifida 0 Comments

For those who follow along with our Forever Family adoption blog, you would have been introduced to a new potential member to our ever growing family.  And I do mean potential… very strongly potential… but let us recap some of the past couple of months, and how things have shaken down for a couple of …Read More

How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Chaos

February 21, 2011 a father's perspective, Adrian, older child adoption, spina bifida 0 Comments

Wife:  I have to head back to Winnipeg for a couple of weeks.Me:  Sure, no problem.  Here, let me help you pack the bags for the kids.Wife:  Oh no, the kids are staying here.Me:  hahahaa… oh, for a second there, I thought you said the kids were staying here.Wife:  They are.Me:  hahaha… oh, that’s funny. …Read More

Maylee Hope

January 26, 2009 Family Stories, spina bifida 0 Comments

By Rebecca, mom to Maylee Hope from China with spina bifida We already had 3 biological children when my husband and I began to feel God tugging on our hearts about adoption. After much discussion and prayer, we knew this was what the Lord had in mind for our family. We quickly decided that we …Read More


December 18, 2008 Family Stories, spina bifida 0 Comments

By Jane, mom to Madeline Jane Xia from China with spina bifida Not long after my husband, Erik, and I met he told me with great affirmation that he wanted to adopt a little girl from China. I remember thinking that any man who knew that from early on in his life was quite frankly …Read More


November 24, 2008 Family Stories, myelomeningocele, spina bifida 0 Comments

By Nicole, mother to Katelyn from China with Spina Bifida ~ myelomeningocele Our Roller Coaster Ride to Our Daughter In October 2005, we found out we were pregnant with our third child. A month later I had a miscarriage. I have never experienced such loss and emptiness, but I knew God must have a plan …Read More

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The content found on the No Hands But Ours website is not approved, endorsed, curated or edited by medical professionals. Consult a doctor with expertise in the special needs of interest to you.